
The Message of Colossians and Philemon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Paul declares to the Colossians that all God’s fullness is in Christ alone, and only through his completed work are people set free. And writing to his friend Philemon he presents freedom in Christ as the foundation of a new pattern for human relationships.

Thirdly, the visitors appear to have claimed particular insight into the powers of evil, and to be able to give believers special protection from them. It is noticeable how Paul designates Christ as the only one with full authority over such powers (e.g. 2:10, 15), a triumph in which all who are ‘in Christ’ share. The letter to the Colossians leaves little room for privileges that belong only to a spiritual élite. Fourthly, the visitors were known for their impressive asceticism: fasting, for instance,
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